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CAMI Webinar

Date: 14 December 2024

Topic: “Effective Psychotherapists
Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes”

Delivered by Dr. Theresa Moyers


In this interactive webinar, Dr. Moyers explored with participants what makes some therapists so much more effective than others, even when they are delivering the same evidence-based treatment. From her review of 70 years of psychotherapy research, she introduced the specific interpersonal skills and attitudes – that facilitate better client outcomes across a broad range of treatment methods and contexts. She also guided participants to a deeper drive into the measurable and teachable characteristics of effective therapists such as empathy, acceptance, warmth, focus, etc. This webinar gave participants the direction for learning, practicing, and self-monitoring these crucial clinical skills to become an effective psychotherapist.

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CAMI Forum

Date: 14 September 2024

Topic: “Mindfulness, MI and behavioral change”


Mr. Ka Tsun TING 

Dr. Stanley CHAN


There is a growing interest in the application of mindfulness-based intervention in promoting behavioral change. In the first part of the forum, the speakers introduced what mindfulness is and how mindfulness might promote behavioral change. In mindfulness-based intervention, it values experiential learning. Therefore, apart from sharing of research and theory, members were invited for mindful practices to have first-hand experience on mindfulness. 


In the second part of the forum, the speakers covered the topic related to “inquiry”.  “Inquiry” is the heart of the learning in mindfulness-based intervention apart from the mindful practice. “Inquiry” describes the communication between the mindfulness teacher and the participant. Members were invited for a discussion on the similarities and differences between motivational interviewing and “Inquiry” in mindfulness-based intervention.


CAMI Forum

Date: 17 June 2024

Topic: Unlocking Collective Motivation for Addressing Adolescent Gaming Problems

Speaker: Ms. Sandra Lai, Mr. William Ko, and another speaker

Adolescents with gaming problems (AGP) often face challenges such as their lack of insight, pressure from parents to attend counselling sessions, and the potential for criticism and blame to arise between AGP and their parents. Collective MI encompasses all core components of MI while also incorporating significant others to foster change and create an agreed change plan regarding lifestyle and gaming-related behaviors. With the use of case work sample as illustration, a speaker introduced the concepts, design, and implementation of Collective MI. 

After his sharing session, Sandra and William led a work sample discussion session to explore how the strategies of Collective MI can promote positive changes and support adolescents in managing gaming habits effectively. 

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CAMI Webinar

Date: 9 December 2023

Topic: What’s new in Motivational Interviewing 4th Edition

Delivered by Dr. William Miller

Since first published in a 1983 article, Motivational Interviewing (MI) has been evolving and gaining substantial evidence on how it helps people change. We are honored to had Dr. William Miller, the co-founder of MI, to have shared with us in this webinar an update on the newest developments on MI and its 4th edition. 

During this webinar, Dr. Miller and the CAMI panelists also had a discussion session with the participants which focused on the application of Motivational Interviewing and its recent updates.

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CAMI forum

Date: 5 August 2023

Topic: Using the "DARN CATs" framework in Motivational Interviewing to explore the mindset of celebrity fans' support

以動機式訪談法的”DARN CATs” 探討追星應援心態

Speaker: Ms. Sandra LAI, Mr. Jack CHENG, Ms. Sandy Hui

In recent years, the phenomenon of celebrity fandom and support has been popular, with fans' footprints spread throughout Hong Kong, Mainland China, and even overseas. In the process of supporting their favorite celebrities, they also apply their internal DARN CATs to present numerous impressive scenes of fandom, with various supportive actions.


In this forum, Ms. Sandra Lai and Mr. Jack Cheng shared their counseling experience to explore the mindset of celebrity fans' support by applying the concept of “DARN CATs” in MI, allowing participants to understand the power of intrinsic motivation.


After their sharing, we listened to Ms. Sandy Hui's work sample sharing about a chronic kidney disease patient who required Peritoneal Dialysis as replacement therapy. We had discussion about how MI spirit and skills could elicit the DARN CATs from the patient.

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CAMI Web forum

Date: 15 May 2023

Topic: Integration of Treatment Techniques: Explore the Use of Chairwork to Resolve Ambivalence
Speaker: Mr. Jonathan LAU, Dr. Paul Kong

The chairwork technique involves creating an imaginary dialogue between the client and an imagined person or situation related to their ambivalence towards change. By doing so, the client can explore and express their emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a non-judgmental space, leading to increased self-awareness and identification of new strategies for change. Chairwork can also help clients to gain new perspectives on their situation, leading to increased motivation and commitment towards change.


In this workshop, Mr. Jonathan LAU shared his experience in applying Chairwork in Motivational Interviewing, followed by Dr. Paul KONG’s sharing of his exploration and reflection on how MI skills can be integrated in a broader range of treatment methods and contexts. After their sharing, we listened to a work sample related to the application of chairwork in MI, followed by group discussion.

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CAMI Webinar cum AGM 2021-2022

Date: 14 December 2022

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Integrating MI into CBT is one of the most exciting and promising areas for improving the treatment of psychological disorders, but answers to questions of 'How?', 'When?', and 'How much?' could be difficult to find. In this workshop Dr Naar shared with us practical knowledge and skills that help the clinician conceptualize and effectively work with real-world clients who are struggling with competing motivations and fluctuating ambivalence and commitment.

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CAMI Web Forum
Date: 3 Sep 2022

Topic: Clinical Applications of Motivational Interviewing in Health Care Settings
Speaker: Mr Bobby NG, Mr William Ko

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an accessible approach for health care practitioners to interact with patients effectively, from clarifying their ambivalence and goals as well as guiding them to take steps in diverse health care settings. There were 2 small topics sharing as below:

a ) Brief introduction on "conceptual changes in patient education" and clinical application by Mr Bobby NG, an occupational therapist teaching in a local university.      

b) Application on patients with respiratory conditions by Mr William Ko, an occupational therapist working in a local physical setting.    

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Following the above topic sharing, Ms Sandy Hui, an experienced renal nurse, had shared her work sample ( in Cantonese) on her clinical application of MI in motivating ambivalent patients suffering from chronic kidney disease stage 5 and guiding them to choose their optimal treatment.

CAMI Web Forum

Date: 16 May 2022

Topic: Motivational Interviewing and Neuroscience, shared by Dr. Karen HUI


Part I

Cognitive neuroscience is the scientific field that is concerned with the study of the biological processes and aspects that underlie cognition, with a specific focus on the neural connections in the brain which are involved in mental processes.  This presentation is a cognitive neuroscience study that used event-related potential to investigate the neural processes associated with the perception of the linguistic contents of the MI statements.  The results revealed the importance to assess the clients’ readiness stages and their emotional state in order to enhance the effect of the intervention.

Part II

After Dr. Hui's sharing, we listened to a work sample (in Cantonese) shared by Ms Choi Fong SIU on her MI work with a patient having diabetes, followed by a discussion about the counselling process.


CAMI Webinar cum AGM 2020-2021
Date: 27 November 2021

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Since publication of the 3rd Edition of Motivational Interviewing (Miller & Rollnick, 2012) “Compassion” has been recognised as a formal part of the MI Spirit. For trainers of MI, and for practitioners as well, this presents an exciting challenge in terms of how to learn, practice and cultivate compassion in our MI work, as well as our work and lives generally. It also invites us to think more about sustaining compassion and managing compassion fatigue.

This workshop has a practical focus, offering exercises aimed at cultivating compassion that may be incorporated into MI training, supervision, clinician development and agency implementation.

CAMI Web Forum

Date: 21 August 2021

Topic: The New Shape of Motivational Interviewing: Collective motivation is evoked

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A speaker shared with us his doctoral research on collective motivational interviewing (CMI). CMI roots in MI adopting the client-centered and goal-oriented style of conversation. It refers to a co-creating and co-reinforcing process of the dynamic motivational state among persons with lifestyle problems (clients), CSOs (friend or family member nominated by the client), and the counsellor. “Having a spouse or significant other involved in treatment really increases the likelihood that treatment will be successful.” (Miller, 2021). CMI puts more emphasis on cultivating a helpful presence of CSOs and generates productive dialogues in the conjoint interview.

After the speaker's sharing, we listened to a work sample related to the application of CMI, followed by a discussion about the counselling process.

CAMI Web Forum
Date: 26 April 2021


Topic: “How can the 2 cousins work together?”

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Both Motivational Interviewing (MI) and the Trans-theoretical model of change (TTM) were developed in the same era.  Dr William Miller (2009) described them as “kissing cousins who never married”.  TTM provides a conceptual framework to illustrate the stages of change when people struggling from pre-contemplation to action taking for making changes.  Coincidentally, MI offers a practical mind-set and skill-set to promote individual’s behavioral change. 

Mr. Menza CHU is an Occupational Therapist who specialized in local mental health care setting, he shared his experience in integrating MI and TTM in vocational service for mental health service users. 

Following the small topic sharing, we listened to a work sample (in Cantonese) which was used for 2018 TNT workshop application in Hong Kong, then we had coding and group discussion.

CAMI Web Forum
Date: 12 December 2020

Topic: Evoking Reflection

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One of the goals of motivational interviewing (MI) is to strengthen personal motivation by eliciting the person's own reasons of change. Other than directly asking for change talks, reflection is a skill that helps facilitate the generation of change talks from our clients.

In this forum, Dr. Peter Anthony FOK, Mr. Jonathan LAU and Mr. Bobby NG had shared their experience about using reflections that help evoking change talks. After their sharing, we all listened to an 8-minute real case work sample (in Cantonese). The case was about a 71-year-old lady with history of diabetes in an out-patient clinic. From her past record, she had poor control over blood sugar. We had coding exercise and discussion afterward.

CAMI Web Forum

Date: 8 August 2020

Topic: Feedback of Test or Assessment Results in MI Style

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“Feedback of Assessment Result or Test Results” is a common context for most helping professionals. It may involve information exchange, advice giving, making referral, focusing on specific target issues or behavioral changes.


In this forum, Dr. CH LAU, Ms. Annie SHEH & Mr. Jack CHEUNG were invited as speakers to share their clinical experience and difficulties in integrating motivational interviewing in the process.

CAMI web Forum
Date: 27 April 2020

Topic: Introducing MICA, a MI coding and coaching instrument

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The Motivational Interviewing Competency Assessment (MICA) is a coding and coaching instrument that allows a listener to evaluate a work sample along a variety of MI strategies and intentions. The MICA yields easy to use feedback, and to help a practitioner strengthen their MI skillfulness.


It was our honor to have invited Ali Hall, an experienced member of MINT from the United States and the co-author of the MICA, to give us an overview of this MI coding and coaching instrument. We learnt from her pre-recorded slide presentation with discussions in between as facilitated by Paul.


To keep MI learning and sharing in this COVID-19 pandemic, we run our first ever web forum of CAMI. We were definitely missing all your happy faces!

CAMI Forum
Date: 28 September 2019

Topic: Am I competent enough to sucessfully get into MINT-Sponsored TNT?

A sharing by two local applicants, Mr. Witt WONG & Mr. John LEE

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CAMI Forum
Date: 11 June 2019

Topic: The Use of Affirmation in MI

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Part I: Small Topic Sharing by Mr Jonathan LAU

Affirmation is one of the core skills in Motivational Interviewing. An effective use of the skill will facilitate the process of building up our clients’ motivation to change. Mr Jonathan Lau shared about the rationale behind using affirmation, how it is different from reflection and how to construct affirmation responses.

Part II: Work Sample Discussion

Participants listened to a work sample (a real client) and practised coding with the use of MITI manual, followed by group discussion.

The First MINT-endorsed Training of New Trainers Workshop in Chinese Communities cum A One-day Workshop by MI Founder Professor William Miller

Date: 13-17 December 2018

The first ever MINT-endorsed TNT in a Chinese community was successfully held during 13-15 December 2018. It was the first TNT conducted mainly in Cantonese in the world. We were honored to have invited the MI founder Professor William Miller to lead our local trainer team and we welcome the 25 new MINTies from Hong Kong.


On 17 December 2018, Prof. William Miller gave a one-day workshop to over 400 local healthcare professionals and walked us through the 4 processes of MI with his skill demonstrations.

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CAMI Forum
Date: 2 March 2019

Topic: Counselling With Neutrality Is A Choice?

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Part I: Small Topic Sharing by Ms Annie SHEH and another speaker

What is counselling with neutrality? When & how to do neutrality? To have reflection on our choice of counseling with neutrality. Is decision balance helps to make change ? To share experience of being pushed to give a direction in counseling process. How to be more MI adherent ? We learned and discussed.

Part II: Work Sample Discussion

Participants listened to a work sample (a real client) and practised coding with the use of MITI manual, followed by group discussion.

CAMI Forum
Date: 14 November 2018

Topic: Understanding The "Righting Reflex" And The Better Alternatives to "Right A Wrong"

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Part I: Small Topic Sharing by Dr. Chi-hang Lau

Chi-hang is a member of MINT and a family physician in a busy outpatient clinic. He observed that many health care worker colleagues are using the righting reflex as their primarily approach to correct patient's “wrong-doing”.  Chi-hang shared his experience on strategies that help minimizing such righting reflex, and a better way to help patient aware of the reasons for change.

Part II: Work Sample Discussion

Participants listened to a work sample (a real client) and practised coding with the use of MITI manual, followed by group discussion.

CAMI Forum
Date: 5 May 2018

Topic: Keep The Change Momentum By Softening Sustain Talk

Part I: Short presentation on “Keep the Change Momentum: Softening Sustain Talk” by Mr. Jonathan Lau

Besides eliciting and strengthening change talk, wise response of sustain talk is also essential in handling ambivalence involved in change. Mr. Jonathan Lau shared about core concepts of MI and MI-consistent ways to respond to sustain talk.

Part II: Work Sample Discussion

Participants listened to a work sample (a real client) and practised coding with the use of MITI manual, followed by group discussion.

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CAMI Forum
Date: 5 February 2018

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Topic: Ambivalence - The Initiation Of Change

Part I: Short presentation on “Ambivalence: the Initiation of Change” by LAI Ting, Sandra

“Ambivalence involves simultaneous conflicting motivations” (Miller & Rollnick, 2013). Ambivalence could also be the initiation of change. Sandra shared with us what creates ambivalence and how to utilize ambivalence with MI skills to motivate change.

Part II: Work Sample Discussion

Participants listened to a work sample (a real client) and practised coding with the use of MITI manual, followed by group discussion.

CAMI Forum
Date: 4 November 2017

Topic: Steeping In MI Spirits & Exploring TNT In HK

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Part I: Sharing by new members of MINT: how inspiring and exciting!

New members of MINT (Dr. FOK Ching and Mr. William KO) shared with us their learning from the recent Training of New Trainer (TNT) of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). They gave short presentations on:

1) “The Journey to Training of New Trainer”?

2) “Experiences in TNT”

Part II: Work Sample Discussion

Participants listened to a work sample (a real client) and practised coding with the use of MITI manual, followed by group discussion.

Part III: Exploring together the potential of holding TNT in HK in 2018 
We discussed how CAMI could support members along the way of becoming a MINT member.

CAMI Forum
Date: 12 August 2017

Topic: "A Closer Look At The Skill Of Reflection", With Coding Practice Of A Work Sample About A Person With Drug-induced Psychosis

Mr. Paul Kong gave us a short presentation about “A Closer Look at the Skill of Reflection”, in which he reviewed the history of the development of this skill in the counseling field, discuss the variations in applying this skill, and considered this skill in a larger psychotherapy perspective. After the presentation, Paul shared his work sample which was related to the engagement of a person with drug-induced psychosis. Through the work sample review, participants had the opportunities to practice using the coding method and also learned from each other through more in-depth discussion.

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3-Day MITI Coding Workshop By Dr. Denise Ernst
Date: 23-25 March 2017


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This 3-day MITI 4.2.1 coding training workshop led by Denise introduced participants to the newly revised MITI 4.2 manual, coauthored by Denise. Participants learned about the modifications made to both the global ratings and behavior counts from 3.3.1 to the latest version, MITI 4.2.1. The workshop included discussions about treatment fidelity issues, maintenance of inter-rater reliability, supervising coding labs, and providing MITI 4.2.1 feedback to MI learners and trainees.


Positive feedback and comment about Denise as a trainer and also the content of the training were obtained. We hope this training can equip our community a better knowledge about the method to evaluate our MI proficiency.

CAMI Forum
Date: 18 February 2017

Topic: From MI Spirit To Skills - Learning From TNT and Expert's MI Sample

We were glad to have two new members of MINT (Ms. Sandra Lai and Mr. Jonathan Lau) who shared with us their learning from Training of New Trainers (TNT) of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). They highlighted in their presentations the experiences of using MI as well as the importance of incorporating the spirit of MI into daily practices. Also there was an illustration of work sample analyzed according to the MITI coding manual.

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CAMI Forum
Date: 19 September 2016

Topic: Do You Have Any Strategies To Evoke Change Talks? How Could You Widen And Deepen Change Talks?

We sometimes spend a lot of effort to collect as many change talks as possible yet the client remains ambivalent for change! In this Forum, we explored and worked together on different ideas in widening and deepening change talk. We were also very happy that our member Ms. Gloria Cheung shared with us a topic : “Beyond Custody & Substance Abuse, the Application of MI for other Health Related Issues”, followed by reviewing a work sample together.

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The CAMI Talk cum AGM
Date: 4 June 2016


Our annual event CAMI TALK cum AGM was held in the morning of 4 June. We were honored to have a team of local MI practitioners share with the participants their experiences in their specialized areas. It was a good time for all of us to meet, to learn and to share together.

List of the Talks:

  1. The Change Journey for Youth in Custody, by Jonathan LAU

  2. Taste Motivational Interviewing in Renal Patients, by HUI Yun Ho Sandy

  3. Coding: An Interesting Way to Understand MI, by Brenda CHUNG

  4. Theory to Practice: Stages and Components to Develop a MI Project, by LAU Chi Chung

  5. Teach MI, Be MI, by Paul KONG

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